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31 Fun & Unique September Holidays for Art, Writing, and Comic Prompts

September is the month that kicks off fall. The summer heat begins to cool and the leaves turn gold, amber, and red. With so much change, sometimes you may get stuck creatively. Here's a brand-new list of 30 unique and fun holidays, one for each day, that you could use as a prompt. These are also perfect for creative ways to advertise your work. Just find a holiday that is similar to your brand and use that to drive your design story for the month. We wrote down some suggestions for each holiday, but feel free to do whatever ideas you come up with.


1 - American Chess Day

Created in 1994, American Chess Day honors the ancient and popular game of Chess. Did you know that chess is believed to have been invented in the 7th century in India as a game called chaturanga?

Art: Create fan art from your favorite chess scenes in film and TV like Queens Gambit, or you could draw characters inspired by the chess pieces.

Comic: Make a short gag comic about your characters in a chess match against each other.

Write: Create a dramatized story about warring kingdoms with the battle playing out like famous chess moves, or write prose from the POV of one of the chess pieces.

2 - World Coconut Day

Today is all about the versatile and delicious fruit! Not only is it fun to eat, but the health benefits are plentiful as well, and the water from the coconut can be used in medical emergencies.

Art: Find some stock photos of coconuts and draw what they would look like as people. Or make a home design for tiny tropical fairies out of a coconut.

Comic: Show off all the cool ways a coconut can be used through a comic strip.

Write: Describe the coconut like it is a person since a lot of its features can be related to a human, and subvert the expectations by revealing (or not) that it’s really a coconut!

3 - National Doodle Day

Created in the mid-90s, this day was created to encourage people to express themselves creatively by doing something as simple as doodles. Today is not about doing something specific, it’s about letting all your ideas and images fly, no matter how good or bad it may look.

Art: Just doodle! Seriously!

Comic: Draw your character's doodles as a way to show their personality by what they choose to draw.

Write: Draw some doodles and write about what you felt when you let your mind wander and the pen or pencil fly across the page with careless whimsy.

4 - National Wildlife Day

Created in 2005, this day was made to celebrate, and most importantly appreciate, all the beautiful animals and plants living in the wild.

Art: Draw some beautiful animals or botanical images of wildflowers.

Comic: Perhaps your comic takes place in a world unlike our own. Draw some of the wildlife there interacting with your characters in a fun and short strip!

Write: Write about the beautiful chaos of animals out in the wild.

5 - National Be Late for Something Day

Having to be on time for something all the time can be draining. That’s why this day is so great since it’s all about being late!

Art: Do you have some art that you promised to post a long time ago? Finish it up and post it now! It’s late already so you already completed the point of the holiday!

Comic: Draw a short comic about your character being late for their classes for example.

Write: Create prose from the POV of someone who is late for something, but keep the focus on their feelings. Are they chill or panicked?

6 - National Read a Book Day

Today is all about reading books. With books being banned left and right, it’s a great time to patronize your local library or visit a small, local bookstore. Grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and get lost in the words printed on the page (or on your screen if that’s your fancy).

Art: Draw some characters from a book based on their descriptions in the book or your interpretation of them!

Comic: Draw out a short sequence based on a scene from your favorite book.

Write: Write a new ending to one of your favorite books, serving as a “what if” scenario.

7 - National Feel the Love Day

This holiday is about spreading love and kindness. Do something small like giving someone a small but thoughtful gift, or buy the person’s groceries in front of you. This holiday was created in 2006 to encourage more compassion, and there’s truly no better way to celebrate than to do something nice.

Art: Draw fan art of a friend’s OC and tag them in it. Don’t forget to write out why you love their character so much.

Comic: Make the villain of your comic do something kind for the hero and vice versa.

Write: Write about the time someone did something kind for you.

8 - National Iguana Awareness Day

In 2001, this holiday was created to bring knowledge and information about this reptile creature. They are colorful and make great pets that can live to 20 years if they are cared for well.

Art: Draw some iguanas! They live in many different environments and come in a wealth of colors so it will be a great exercise.

Comic: Make a strip about a human loving and caring for their iguana pet.

Write: Pick an iguana and write a short story about their life in their tropical homes.

9 - Teddy Bear Day

This holiday is actually very old, being celebrated since the early 1900’s! Teddy bears are a classic toy that little children usually grow up with.

Art: Draw a teddy bear design based off a specific aesthetic ie. a Cottagecore Teddy or a Gothic Vampire teddy bear.

Comic: Teddy bears tend to follow a child through their life as they get older. Make a heartfelt comic following the teddy bear from it fresh out the box through it’s wear and tear from being very well loved.

Write: Make a cute poem or story for children about Teddy Bears.

10 - National TV Dinner Day

TV dinners are an American pastime, which came into prominence in the 1950s. While the styles have changed through the decades, microwave meals continue to help those short on time or money.

Art: Draw a set of TV dinners or your OC sitting down enjoying a microwave meal.

Comic: Make a comic showing the evolution of the TV dinner through the decades, changing the styles of clothing the people wear, the interiors and the meals themselves as time goes on.

Write: Make a TV dinner sound like a 5-star meal by using highly descriptive words to entice the reader and make everyone hungry.

11 - National Make Your Bed Day

This holiday was created to promote healthy habits, starting with a concept as simple as making your bed!

Art: Draw a beautiful, well-made bed! It can fit any aesthetic you want.

Comic: Maybe your characters have a different approach to making their beds, whether or not it is successful in the end, show how they do it.

Write: What can a messy versus tidied bed represent? Write about managing feelings of turmoil through analogies of making the bed.

12 - National Video Games Day

Video games are a billion-dollar industry with no signs of slowing down. This day is perfect to stretch your creative muscles with tons of genres and tens of thousands of games to choose from.

Art: Draw some fan art of your favorite game characters! Want to take it a step further? Draw that character if they were in a different genre game. Lady Dimitrescu in Animal Crossing? Hell yeah.

Comic: It’s isekai time! What happens if your characters land in a video game? What would they do? What would they look like? Feel free to explore different genres as well.

Write: Video games are often seen as childish, though that sentiment is slowly changing. Write about M-Rated games like Grand Theft Auto or Silent Hill as if they are family-friendly titles. How can you use language to change the vibes of something dark or violent into approachable and cute?

13 - National Bald is Beautiful Day

This day was created to celebrate baldness in all it’s forms! Whether the hair was shaved to the scalp, or the person went through some hair loss be it genetics or illness, this day is to remind people that your hair does not define you! Remember, everyone can be bald: babies and adults or people of any gender.

Art: Draw some bald and/or balding characters! Stretch those character design muscles with this prompt for something you probably haven’t drawn before or very often.

Comic: You could show the process of someone losing their hair and their growing acceptance of that fact.

Write: Write about your favorite bald person in your life or a celebrity.

14 - National Coloring Day

Created in 2005, this holiday was made to promote coloring as both a fun activity and a therapeutic experience.

Art: That old WIP that you only did the line art and decided that was good enough? Color it.

Comic: Use a color palette for a scene in your comic that you wouldn’t normally use.

Write: Use the meaning behind a color to craft a short story.

15 - World Afro Day

Of course, we have to spotlight this iconic Black hairstyle and this holiday is perfect for that. You can really do any hairstyle so long as the hair is afro-textured, since that’s what this holiday was created to celebrate.

Art: Draw some beautiful afros of all styles and lengths.

Comic: Draw a comic of a person styling their afro with all the effort it takes to achieve that fluff.

Write: Write a poem about the soft, fluffy afros.

16 - National Tattoo Story Day

Every tattoo comes with a story, even if that story is as simple as “I walked past a shop and had $80 to burn”. Maybe you have a tattoo or two, or perhaps you went with a friend to support them while they got their tattoo.

Art: Draw some cool tattoo designs. They could be for your OCs or yourself!

Comic: Your characters might already have tattoos… how did their first one go? Which was the easiest or most painful? Show us in a fun strip.

Write: What was it like when you got a tattoo? Describe the feeling before, during and after.

17 - National Pet Bird Day

Birds make wonderful pets, so it’s only natural for there to be a whole day celebrating them! They are affectionate, make wonderful music with their sounds, and have big personalities.

Art: Draw some pretty birds. They come in so many sizes and colors that there's a wealth of them to draw and admire.

Comic: Draw a day in the life of taking care of a pet bird. From taking it on a walk (yes, you can!), feeding time, and of course, cuddles!

Write: Many pieces of writing use pet birds as symbolism for being trapped when you want to fly. Perhaps it can mean freedom as a pet. Write that alternate perspective.

18 - National First Love Day

Most people have experienced love, and there is no love like your first love. This day was created to reminisce on those warm fuzzy feelings that first love gave you.

Art: Draw you or your OC thinking (and blushing) about your first love.

Comic: Falling in love is such a unique experience, so show that through a short strip.

Write: Write a love letter to your first love. Say all the things you wish you

19 - Talk Like A Pirate Day

Argh! It be the best day to speak yer mind - so long as you do it like a pirate! This unique holiday is actually widely acknowledged and was created in 1995 by two friends.

Art: No need to wait for Halloween to dress up your OC as a pirate!

Comic: A swashbuckling journey awaits your characters! Create a fun pirate adventure strip.

Write: Write with pen and ink and create a diary entry from the POV of a pirate, famous or otherwise.

20 - National Pepperoni Pizza Day

Pizza is a big hit for people of all ages. There are so many ways to top your pizza that anyone can find a combo that they will love. Did you know that pizza has been around since the 10th century? Now that’s longevity.

Art: You know who loves pizza? Everyone’s favorite ninja turtles of the mutant teen variety.

Comic: Make a short strip about a late night pizza run or the joys of eating leftover cold pizza.

Write: Describe the best part about a really good pizza: The cheese pull.

21 - National Chai Day

Enjoy a cup of chai and use it as inspiration for this day’s prompt holiday! Chai is what tea is called in India, however in America, chai is a flavor of tea!

Art: We all know that scene from Across the Spiderverse where Pavitr tells Miles that he’s saying “tea tea”… go ahead and make some fanart of that iconic scene.

Comic: The process of brewing the perfect cup of chai differs, as families have different blends of spices they use in their tea. How would you brew up a cup? Show the process in a strip.

Write: Write about the sounds from making a cup of chai, or even the feeling of the warm drink on a cold day.

22 - National Legwear Day

Legwear is a stable in closets across the world. From socks to tights to leggings, they’re so versatile and useful. This day was created to celebrate these amazing articles of clothing.

Art: It’s time to break out your inner designer and create some fashion sketches where the legwear is the star of the show.

Comic: Did someone say shopping montage? Nothing is better than your characters trying on fun new fashions.

Write: Where does that other sock go in the dryer? Write a short story about where that little rascal ran off to instead of going back in the drawer.

23 - Redhead Appreciation Day

Celebrated since 2005, this day is here to appreciate redheads. Red hair is a rare genetic trait to have, with only about 2% of the population having the trait naturally.

Art: There are a ton of characters with red hair. Show them off with some awesome fanart or showcase your redhead OC.

Comic: Show a character styling their red hair in cool and unique styles before heading out for the day.

Write: Write about a character with red hair but describe their hair without saying the words red, crimson, or ginger.

24 - World Bollywood Day

Bollywood is iconic for its flashy, outrageous action, beautiful fashions, and colorful dance numbers no matter the genre. Today’s about showing your love for these films that bring so much outlandish creativity to the silver screen.

Art: Redraw a Hindi film scene in your art style.

Comic: You’re in the director’s seat now. Make a comic strip of your comic if it were a Bollywood movie.

Write: Bollywood films are known to be dramatic and full of musicality. Write about a serious scene, but incorporate a lighthearted atmosphere into it as well.

25 - National Cooking Day

Food brings people together. You can break bread with strangers, and learn about other cultures or history, all through food. Existing since the 1950s, the holiday was created to celebrate and appreciate the joys of cooking (and eating) all types of food.

Art: Find a new recipe and draw that dish (and maybe make it to reward yourself of creating something so beautiful and yummy).

Comic: Cooking is a process, so create a strip showing you creating your favorite meal step by step.

Write: Cooking and eating hits every single sense: taste, touch, smell, sight and sound. Write something about cooking a dish, making sure to include all the senses.

26 - National Family Day

Families come in all shapes and sizes which is the point of this holiday created in 1994. If your family is traditional or unconventional or found, enjoy this day with them, or do something inspired by them.

Art: Draw a family portrait, yours or your characters. Bonus points for painterly styles.

Comic: Families start as one thing and grow into another, so show off your character’s birth or found family.

Write: You’d be surprised what you can find out about your family, so pick a family member and write a short biography about them.

27 - National Scarf Day

Scarves keep your neck warm and look stylish while doing so. They can even be worn in warmer months with thinner fabric. They’re versatile and timeless so grab your favorite scarf and get inspired.

Art: Draw your OC in a beautiful (maybe outrageously long?) scarf!

Comic: Show someone knitting a scarf over time and finish the strip with the final piece.

Write: Some scarfs are knit as a family heirloom, so write about what each stitch in a scarf represents.

28 - National Ask A Stupid Question Day

There is no such thing as a stupid question… except for today! Ask a dumb question and finally get some answers. This holiday was created in the 1990s to encourage people to think outside the box.

Art: Find your favorite dumb question and draw the answer.

Comic: How would your characters react when they are asked a stupid question? Show their reactions in a strip.

Write: Ask and answer your own dumb question.

29 - National Silent Movie Day

The late 1800s saw the birth of the silent film, a revolutionary feat of ingenuity and art. Without them who knows what the state of entertainment would be like today? Break out some classics and get inspired by this holiday.

Art: Redraw a scene from a silent film!

Comic: Silent films are similar to comics, so embrace their black-and-white imagery and make a B&W comic, bonus points for making it look antiquated.

Write: Silent films didn’t have sound, obviously, so write a short story with two people communicating with each other with no dialogue.

30 - National Chewing Gum Day

Chewing gum is an ancient candy from as far back as the early civilizations of Greece and Egypt. Let’s celebrate this chewy candy with create pieces to finish out the month.

Art: There are so many flavors of gum, so use that to create a character design inspired by the flavors you chose.

Comic: Make a short strip containing gum. Perhaps someone stepped in it. Perhaps it got stuck in someone's hair. Gum is messy!

Write: People chew gum for tons of reasons. To help with nerves and fidgeting, or to curve smoking... Write about someone using gum as more than just a sweet treat.


And that's a wrap! Hopefully, you were inspired and learned some new holidays in the process. Enjoy the creative process and let your heart guide you through it!

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