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The Importance of Cozy Games in a Not-So-Cozy World

When the COVID-19 pandemic first began, many people were stuck at home, with very little to do. Everyone had to figure out what to do with all this sudden free time, and a lot of people turned to video games. It was a great time to play games, especially since playing games gave people a way to connect with their loved ones who they couldn't see. And along the rise of gaming came the rise of the cozy game.

The MVP of pandemic-era gaming was Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Everyone was playing it. People were buying Nintendo Switch consoles just to play the Switch exclusive game. In fact, 2020, the height of the pandemic, saw Nintendo have the most sales for the Switch, over double the amount sold the year it was released. With the massive success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons many indies inspired by the titular game began to pop up, as well as a wealth of other games promoting soft, cutesy aesthetics and relaxed gameplay. And thus the cozy game became front and center.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

During a time when everything was hectic, it's easy to see how people were drawn to games that didn't feature violence, opting for a comforting experience instead. Now that everything is mostly back to normal, some gamers have begun to turn their nose up at cozy games. You can see it during the live chats of the game showcases or the trolls bullying cozy streamers. These games are popular with children and women, and that of course, means they aren't "real games".

Aside from the argument that all games are real games, and all gamers are real gamers, the phenomenon of the cozy game is more than something to pass the time. It's necessary to have media that let your heart and mind relax. Sometimes you want to come home and not have to get frustrated with people shooting at you or zombies or a terrifying jump scare! We're living in a time full of uncertainty and fear. We have so much access to all the bad in the world because of social media or even just going outside and seeing it for ourselves. Having an escape where peace is the only option is almost entirely necessary now. And as things IRL continue to get worse, things in the digital sphere are there to make it a little more tolerable.

Cozy games are often made by indie developers as well. Historically it isn't the most lucrative genre for AAA studios aside from established franchises like Animal Crossing. And still, even those games are met with a few scoffs. So AAA studios tend to put their focus on the other types of games with their hyperrealistic graphics. With cozy games and indie developers, however, we get access to so many new ideas! Sure, the market is very oversaturated with farming simulation games, but even within that, there are a few fresh takes on the popular, albeit overused mechanic.

Spirit Farer: Farewell Edition

Outside of farming sims, you have a lot of other simulation games - life sims, management sims, and so many more. You can start your virtual life in a new city or perhaps on an island. You could build a house, decorate rooms, or even powerwash buildings. And the stories are so intimate and full of life. And that's the best part about it; how much culture you can experience through these cozy games. Because a lot of cozy games are indie, you get that first-hand touch from a small or even one-person team with various backgrounds. They have a personal touch, a sort of quirkiness that you don't often get from other games.

On top of that they tend to be quite short! While a lot of them do have game loops, the overall story or first loop tends to be quite short. If it isn't then the games are meant for you to just pick up when you can and continue until you no longer want to play. People are busy, and the economy is rough, so a lot of people have more than one job. After working all day, long days of classes and studying, or the forever-time job of parenting, you just want to relax and you don't want to wait a year to finish your game either. Cozy games fill that niche. They're often short bursts of familiarity and comfort to enjoy and help you wind down.

Video Games have always been looked down upon. They've been considered to be something only "people with no lives" play or just low-brow entertainment overall. But over time people have come to respect games, not just as media, but as art as well. So when it comes to the cute and cozy, why do they not deserve that same respect, especially when they play such a large role in providing comfort? Whether you like ease or chaos, sometimes it does the brain good to pick up something cute and disappear into the cozy.


Image 1 from Freepik

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